There used to be a programme on the telly called Holidays from Hell. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, here we are. We're on it. My husband and I. We're experiencing the holiday from hell. We've already complained bitterly and moved apartments once, and now a couple of days later we're moving out completely into the luxurious gaff next door, where we should have booked in in the first place. I really wish I could show you the photographic evidence - but I can't name names at this stage - not until I've done my trip advisor review - and then all hell will break loose I can promise you. Oh, well, we live and learn, don't we? We know next year not to book in here. As they say in Lancashire - you pays your money and you takes your choice!
And coupled with the storm we had on Wednesday when the whole island experienced devastation from 116 kph winds causing fallen trees, high seas, and rain the like of which I have never seen in my life - it's all been slightly perturbing.
We observed the damage first hand as we hired a car and travelled around our favourite island with dismay etched on our faces. There were huge trees ripped from their roots blocking the roads, sludge and silt covering the centre of our favourite resorts, having poured down from the hills. In Cala Galdana, where years ago they diverted the river in a different direction, the force of nature had returned it to the original route, right across the beach. The whole of the water in the bay was red from the soil that had been carried down on that stormy night.
So - apart from lots of fussing in Menorca - what have I been up since my last blog?
- I've been finishing my WIP - Tethered by Twins- which is now with my reader on the RNA NWS.
- I've entered the same manuscript in the Harlequin SYTYCW15 global writing contest on Wattpad - and heard a couple of days ago that I've made it through to the top 55!
- I've also started my next story in readiness for the Advanced Writing course I'm attending in Fishguard with Kate Walker next February.
So - quite a bit really!
Until next time.
Kim x