Monday, 1 February 2016

February musings!

The long, dreary, dull and dour month that was January is over.  Thank goodness.

It's over a month since the shortest day, and with the skies getting lighter with each day that passes, the journey to and from work doesn't seem quite as onerous. The bulbs are poking their heads through the soil - I saw our first crocus yesterday - so there is light at the end of the tunnel it seems.  But as we move into February, what can I tell you about the month coming up? The last meteorogical month of winter?

Well - February is my birthday month - and that's always a bonus - but not so much age wise - because I am conscious I am only two years from the big 60 - eek - and that's a bit worrying in my eyes.  Sixty? Where the hell have the years gone?

February is the month too when we have the Oncologist appointment for my eldest son. But as he reminded me only yesterday - it wasn't last year he had TC - it was the year before, and that made me feel a whole lot better.

I'm also preparing for Kate Walker's Advanced writing course which takes place later this month.  I'm slightly apprehensive as this is my first time at Fishguard, but I know Kate - and the other friends I've made on Kate's previous courses - will put me at ease and make me feel welcome.  They always do.

Harlequin/Mills and Boon are keeping me on tenterhooks too.  I submitted Tethered by Twins for consideration on 30 October last year so biting my nails about that one.  In the meantime I'm getting on with my current WIP as yet unnamed. This is the manuscript I wrote during NaNoWriMo in October.  I'm now back at the beginning starting my edits.

But the best thing of all for February? I'm counting down the weeks until the day job drops to only two!  For five days out of seven, I should be able to concentrate on my writing for part of the day at least.

Roll on 1 March!

Until next time.

Kim x