Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Living the life of Riley

So - here we are - almost the middle of May.  

It’s been a month since I’ve blogged so I thought I’d better get cracking.

When I changed my working week from three days to two in March, I was determined to leave Wednesdays free.  Wednesday was going to be my writing day and nothing else.  No housework, or gardening.  No popping out for a latte or two with a friend.  No visiting a nearby garden centre browsing the plants with my sister, and then having a delicious lunch afterwards. No swanning off to get my nails or hair done.  No enjoying a pub lunch with DH who just happened to have swapped his working day that week.

You can guess what I’m going to say, can’t you?  All those things have happened.  And not all of them have been my fault (well, some have). But what on earth’s going on with your writing - I hear you say?  What’s happened to you sitting down - laptop in hand - with your nose to the grindstone and finishing your ms?

Mmm. Well - I'm ashamed to say - it’s gone by the by - completely kaput! So - from now on things will be different. After all, the whole point of giving up a day for writing purposes was to do just that. Write. There will be no more of this gallivanting here, there and everywhere.  I don’t even care if I sit in my jim-jams all day.  I’m going to finish this story. And until that's done, I can't think about the next one.  Well - I can - and I have - but you know what I mean!

What I’ve just realised - you see - is that I’ve forgotten to factor in my holiday. As you all know manuscripts have to be submitted to the NWS by the end of August, so this gives me - what - ten weeks?  Oh, and we mustn't forget the extra little break we’ve booked the week after next.


I’ll do it - I know I will.  After all - I’ve never submitted a partial yet, and I don’t intend to start now.  The ms will be finished.  For definite. 

Until next time.

Kim x