Saturday, 7 January 2017

New Year, new me

Well, after a very indulgent Christmas and New Year, and lots of time off work (but not a lot of rest) I suddenly find myself with an extremely long to-do list!

So, here’s what happening:
One of my favourite times of the year is when I attend the Advanced writing course in Fishguard run by Kate Walker. This year, me and eleven other attendees will have to prepare in advance by reading each other's first chapter of their current WIP, and then, once in Fishguard, give our comments. This time, I’ve also asked if Kate can point me in the right direction with my characterisation, as it’s my characters who seem to be the stumbling block in my writing. At the moment, I’m putting my plot before my characters so that definitely needs to change.

I'd love to write more stories to submit to People’s Friend. I’ve taken on board (hopefully) the comments made by the lovely editor who rejected story number 2. Having only just started to submit to the Friend, I’m really hoping this will be the year I succeed at this.  I love writing short stories!

I need to carry on with my latest story for Harlequin M&B (first three chapters written) ready for the RNA New Writers’ Scheme. I have up until the end of August to submit this, but as I’m getting older, the months seem to pass by very quickly!

I’m also determined to rework my two rejections from Harlequin M&B (Tethered by Twins and A Bombshell for the Barrister) for a fresh publisher. At 50,000 words they are too short for, example, Choc Lit, but if this is one of the publishers I’m aiming for, I have a lot of work to do.

I must try and blog more often. Usually, I blog once a month, but this probably isn’t enough. I’ve also noticed that since I deactivated from Facebook, my blog isn’t getting quite as many views as I’d like, so I’m now on the horns of a dilemma - decisions, decisions.

I would really like to get my website up and running properly and hopefully transfer my current blog on to there.

My youngest son assures me this can be done, and helped set up the website  initially, but pinning him down at the moment because of his accountancy exams is no easy feat.

Last but not least, and probably most importantly, is to try and get my health back on track. As someone who suffers from Type 2 Diabetes (it runs in my family) I’m fully aware of the  repercussions from this progressive disease. There’s absolutely no doubt that my eyesight, kidneys, heart and limbs will all be affected if I don’t start to stick to the straight and narrow (I saw it with my father). Furthermore, at my last Diabetes check-up I was also diagnosed with high blood pressure. This, unfortunately, is proving difficult to control, so I’m now in the tiresome position of having to try different medications, and being forced to return to the surgery every couple of weeks. 

Oh, the joys of getting older!

Have any of you made a to-do list for 2017?

Until next time.

Kim x