Monday, 9 November 2015

Coming down like stair-rods

Usually Autumn is one of my favourite seasons but over the last two days in Lancashire there’s been nothing but hard, incessant rain coming down like stair-rods.  In case you don't know stair-rods are the straight metal rods that hold stair-carpets in place on each step.  So - essentially it means rain which is so heavy it looks like falling stair-rods.  As you know I’m a northern girl and we do like to use our little expressions! 

Today, whilst out travelling with DH we’ve had to contend with spray, crazy drivers, and flooded roads. The drains are so clogged up with fallen leaves that the excess rainwater has nowhere to go.  I was relieved to get home in one piece, I can tell you. So - that’s the weather - which recently I’ve realised I talk about an awful lot.  

So - what else have I been up to since my last blog?

DH and I have been on holiday again.  This time to Berlin in Germany where incidentally they were experiencing the most beautiful Autumn.  The colour of the fallen leaves lying in the parks and on the pavements was like nothing I’d ever seen before.  No rain - just perfect blue skies and cold, crisp days.  But now we’re back in the UK I feel as if I’ve nothing to look forward to.  Oh, I know Christmas will soon be here - with all the delights of the season - but after that we’ve at least two months of horrid winter temperatures and dark nights to look forward to.  And yes - I know - I’m talking about the weather again.

NaNoWriMo will take my mind off all this.  My writer friends all know the aim of this is to write a novel in a month.  As I’m aiming for Harlequin Mills and Boon I need to pen around 1600 words a day and even if this doesn’t come off and I don’t make my target, I know it’s going to be far more than I’ve ever written in a month before.  So maybe I should aim to do NaNoWriMo every other month? Just a thought.

Oh, and the most marvellous news of all - well, I think so anyway - is that in the new year I’m hopefully going to reduce my working hours to two days a week.  I had a chat with DH and he agrees that it’s now or never with regard to my writing.  I’m no longer the spring chicken I was and as I’m hurtling steadily towards retirement anyway, it’s time to take a step back from the day job.  This will, of course, give me much more time to write.  Exciting eh?  I can’t wait.

Until next time.

Kim x

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