Monday 21 November 2016

Such a liberated girl

So, what have I been up to in November?

Well, at the beginning of the month, I took the train to Edinburgh with two of my sisters, where in-between visiting the sights, we shopped until we dropped - literally. A third visit (for me) to the spectacular Royal Yacht Britannia was, of course, obligatory, and eating a delicious lunch afterwards in the lovely tea room finished the day off nicely.

I’ve also been writing some short stories. Having been rejected from Harlequin Mills & Boon for the second time, and in-between licking my wounds, I thought I’d try something different for a while.  And, guess what? - I like it. I really do. I’m just about to submit my second attempt to People’s Friend, so keep your fingers crossed.

On a completely different matter, I've removed myself from Facebook, and I never thought I'd say this, but I feel strangely liberated.  

Even though I loved interacting with my friends on there, Facebook, as a social media platform, was taking over my existence. It was the first thing I looked at when I awoke, and the last thing I looked at before I closed my eyes at night. 

So - it’s gone. No more. If I ever get published, then I'll maybe think again, but for the moment it is total bliss. And of course, all that spare time I now have means I get more writing done!

I’ve not completely disappeared though.You can still find me on Twitter @kim_lain 

Until next time. 

Kim x


  1. Glad you're still tweeting, Kim and blogging too! Good luck with the People's Friend short story entry. Glad you've managed to recapture your writing mojo. : )

  2. Aw, thanks Rae. It's surprising what a rejection can do to your mojo. I'm over it now, and just started yet another short story. I'm not sure I'm any good at them, though, but I'm sure time will tell! x

  3. Hi Kim, so sorry to hear about your rejection, join the club! My last was rejected too, so I totally understand your need to try something new for a bit (and to retire from FB for a while, it does take over one's life). I felt like trying something new too, last year, but found Harlequin was what I really wanted to do, which was a help in its own way. So I hope to see you back one day soon, because you really have talent and it sounds like you only need to find the right story to make that talent shine and wow the editors. Meanwhile, good luck with your submission to People's Friend. Will you be at Fishguard in Feb? xx

  4. Hello Melissa, I will never give up my dream of writing for Harlequin, but at the moment I feel as if my writing has gone down the pan. So sorry to hear of your rejection too. Why do we put ourselves through this? I'm lying low at the moment, with a bit of a sulk on my face :-) but I will definitely be at Fishguard in February, (try keeping me away!) so look forward to seeing you then. Thank you for your kind words and good wishes lovely lady xx

  5. Lovely honest post, Kim. Re networking - think we're all ducking, diving and then shrinking most of the time

  6. Aw thanks June. Who'd have thought networking would be so time consuming? A little bit of Facebooking, or a tweet here and there doesn't sound like much, but it doesn't stay like that. It does take over one's life, I find.
